Customer Service Features
Integrated product search
A powerful search feature is included
in your store, allowing customers
a quick search for products, as well
as an Advanced Search. Customers
can find the products they want by
keyword searches in product names,
categories, descriptions, and manufacturer.
Search results are fully sortable
by price, name, and manufacturer.
Search and browse order history
Customers will be able to browse through their order history, and search for
past orders by date. This makes placing repeat orders easier.
order tracking
As customers browse their order history,
they will be able to track their order
shipment through UPS and FedEx in real-time
with a single click.
Choice of Registration or Express
A clean and intuitive checkout process
is key for a successful online store.
BuzzCart allows customers to choose
from an Express Checkout, or allows
them to register with your site.
A progress bar marks every step of
the transaction.
Customer password reminders
If a registered customer forgets their
password, they have the option to
have their password emailed to them.
Integrated with Constant Contact
Email Marketing
Constant Contact is one of the premier
email marketing tools available,
and BuzzCart is directly integrated
with it. Customers can sign up for
your newsletter or email announcements
directly from your site, without
bouncing to another web site. Customers
can also opt-in for more information
during checkout.